2024 Artist Community
Survey Report

Tools & Skills:
Graphic Design
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe PhotoShop

In September 2024, I was approached by Lisa Cunningham of Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council to help design their annual Artist Community Survey report. As listed on the site, the 2024 report highlights input from 337 respondents, representing a range of artistic disciplines, 90% of whom reside in Allegheny County. Conducted through a 39-question survey over five weeks, the report captures a wealth of data, including insights into artists’ quality of life, career accomplishments and barriers, equity and access, and funding resources.

Special thanks to Lisa Cunningham and Morgan Kasprowicz for the text and direction, Maranie Rae and Patrick Fisher for the photos, and Annesley Bug for the quilt that made the theme for the publication!