Ballot PA

Tools & Skills
Social media strategy
Graphic design
Adobe Illustrator
Meta advertising

Ballot PA is a Pennsylvania-based campaign that aims to repeal closed primaries, and let political independents vote. I was present for its relaunch and subsequent subgroups from 2022 to May 2024. In my time working with Ballot PA, I ran its social media platforms, graphically designed print and digital graphics, ran several Meta advertisement campaigns and even helped create a sub-brand: Students for Ballot PA (displayed at the bottom of this page).

Students for Ballot PA

In fall 2022, Ballot PA chair David Thornburgh pointed out a mass contingent missing from the campaign: the voices of the next generation, our youth! With this, he began recruiting for Students for Ballot PA (SfBPA), while I took the original Ballot PA brand and amended it to represent this fresher, younger group. By November 2023, I was exceedingly proud to use the logo and graphics in print and social media for a SfBPA rally in Harrisburg.